Monday, June 18, 2007

Pictures from Ts birthday

Sunday, June 10, 2007

School is done for two weeks and my little girl is now 11!!

First woohoo I made it through another semester at school and did pretty well. I managed to pass my accounting class, even though I bombed the final. I passed my exit out exam for math with the highest score in the class so far. A few students still have to take it. My law class should be a good grade, I had an A to date when I handed in my final legal memo. I'm must say I'm so glad it's over. The summer session starts on the 25th but it shouldn't be so hard, I'm retaking a class that I started to take the semester I took leave. If I don't pass that class with a good grade I have no one to blame but myself.

And OMG I can't believe my little girl is now 11 years old. She just looks so damn grown now it's scary. She is one beautiful young girl who is becoming a beautiful young woman. She enjoyed her day yesterday so much, and I'm glad. It started off with a mani pedi, then off to get her hair cut and straightened out. She looks great that way but so much older. After that her bff met us at home then we went to pierce her ears, she wanted a second hole. After that we all went rollerskating, even her little brother joined in. And OMG did that boy look so cute trying to skate.

Today Kev took her to buy a new pair of sneakers and an outfit or two. But the best news of and gift she got yesterday was her acceptance letter to the magnet school for smart kids. We were so thrilled that had to have been the best gift she could have gotten yesterday.

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