Monday, December 31, 2007

Bout Time!

It's about damn time I got the ring from my guy. It only took 5.5 years and a 3 year old later to get it. *giggle* And let me tell you I'm truly a blushing bride. Never ever ever would I have imagined that I would be so in to this. I registered at the knot, started looking at dresses and I'm actually looking forward to buying bridal magazines. Is this really me? lol I can't believe how damn excited I am. It feels so good to know this is actually going to happen. I have to admit the year is ending quite nicely. I just pray that 2008 continues to be grand for us. It feels like a fresh start. A new job making good money, a new bigger better place, the ring! teehee And the best part I will graduate school in a bit over six months. That is a major accomplishment in itself. I now have a new outlook on things that's for sure. I'm going to do my best to keep on being determined and to continue to think positive. Once I started on the positive track I've gotten so much positive in return. Here's to a happy and healthy 2008 for all!!!!!

The Ring!!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Actually Feel Like I'm on a Roll

I can't believe how satisfied I feel by knowing that I've buckled down and did what I had to do for school. The past two weeks I've been busy either studying or doing homework for different classes. My Saturday class that I have been so slacking on, I finally pretty much caught up. I owed the professor so much work, it wasn't even funny. I had a list of about 9 things to do, and I'm down to 3. Man that feels so damn good to know that I'm getting this done.

My other classes I buckled down and studied hard. I focused and kept at my math work. Making sure that I know what I was doing in order to pass my midterm. On the last practice exam for it I failed. I was so nervous that I was going to fail the actual exam. But I studied with a goal of only getting 12 out of 20 correct in order to pass. But I actually got 15 out of 20 correct. And he still had to count the partial points. So my grade can actually go up. That's a good thing to know.

With my psych class I had another midterm coming up. I spent hours studying for that one. Boy I'm glad I did cause I feel that I did awesome. I almost screwed myself over because I misunderstood her instructions and only focused on 2 out of the 3 essay questions. And of course I focused on the two that I only to pick one out of. Thankfully the professor alloted us a few minutes to read over the chapters, so I took that time to skim the third question that I didn't focus on. So between that skimming, and the question actually being a some what legal one, I feel that I pulled it off.

I don't know who you are up there keeping an eye out on me, but thanks for doing so.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Feeling like a kettle ready to blow it's top off!

That's exactly how I feel right now. Like a tea pot that's about to burst. I don't like feeling this overwhelmed and having all this anxiety/anger build up inside. School has officially started as of yesterday, but I didn't even bother going to class. Why? Because what's the point of trying to get a validation sticker when the bursars office is closed. I need a bill stating that I owe nothing in order to get the sticker. But I'm not even sure I can get that sticker since I have a stop from last semester that was issued by the bursars office. I swear this fucking surgery has really fucked everything up for me. Landing in the hospital back in Nov and finding out I have endo has ruined so much in my life. I had to take time off of school making me a semester behind. Now I will not graduate in two years and it will more than likely take me a whole extra semester to do so. It cause me to loss my grant that I am now fighting to keep. And of course I haven't heard a word yet as to if I won the appeal or not. I shouldn't have even lost the grant to begin with since I should have been exempt due to my medical leave. Ughhhh I just hate this all right now. I need to go to the doctor but I don't want to. I feel ashamed to go. I don't want to see the shrink, but I need meds. And I know my gp won't give them to me. I wish he would. I guess I'll just have to buck up and either find a shrink or go to my gp and beg. Man if things could just go good for one straight year for me for once.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

So not ready

OK so yesterday I went to my friends house. She's getting married next month and I'm in the party. So she wanted bridal party to meet up go look for shoes and put together some favors. Fine right, not a problem right? Oh boy that is so not the case. Not only am I recovering from foot surgery but so is another brides maid. Walking around Kings Plaza mall was not fun. I did it though without any complaints. So I'm proud of myself there. I didn't even bitch or moan while trying on the damn high heels. But the ones we all fell in love with I couldn't do, neither could the other girl. I was starting to get mad and wonder if I really can do this. Regardless of how I feel I will do this for her. She's my friend and deserves a nice wedding. So I will dawn high heel shoes for the ceremony and pictures. But I will not wear them for the reception.

On a good note we were able to find something that I can manage with. I just have to train my foot so to speak. I need to wear them for a few minutes daily so that I can get used to them. Thankfully they are name brand shoes meant for people with some what jacked up feet. But of course when you want name brand and comfort you have to pay for it. However, one of the other girls was smart enough to tell them 70 was too much and we were going to keep on looking. We managed to barter down to 55.20. And the color of the shoes match the dress perfectly. So it actually worked out great. My friend was very impressed with me because I just kept going and not complained a bit.

We did have fun, we ate, joked, laughed and put together 50 out of 100 favors. So all in all even though I got home late the day went great and a lot got done for the wedding.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Damn I really suck at this!

HMM Let's see where do I even begin. Life has been well, life! Busy crazy and all over the place. Since I've last blogged I've had foot surgery, relocated and finished my summer classes.

The foot surgery went well, better than I actually expected. I was not knocked out but I was sedated. So basically it was like I was in that wakeful sleep stage where you know what's going on around you but your not fully awake. I went back to work pretty much right away, the following Monday. I was on crutches for about 1.5 weeks, then I was using a cane for the duration. Which I just put away today! WOOT!!! I had to wear the boot for an extra week until I was able to buy a pair of crocs. The only thing that fits my foot at the moment. I think those things are ugly but hey they fit and I only paid 15 bucks. The scar has healed up pretty nicely, but it opened up again once the stitches came out. Ouch!!!!!!! It's pretty much 95% closed up but I'm having a stubborn part. Just like my body to be stubborn. All in all I'm doing better and walking normal. Now I just hope I'll be ready for the wedding next month.

Now the move, that went ughhh. I had a scheduled move for Sat the 27 with the satellite people. But of course I had issues with that. The fucker showed up called my old place then said no one was home. Of course no one was home asshole you called the old house! Mind you Kev was outside and waved the guy in. I bitched and got a 100 credit and rescheduled for the following Sat. That would have went smoothly but nooooo not for me. Another asshole canceled the appointment and didn't put a name so no one to blame. What saved me was the fact that I had scheduled another hook up for a third box. I got a nice manager who set it all straight. The place isn't the best and we're so not staying here for long. Once our taxes come we're going to move again. This place isn't worth the money.

The kids are back home, well Kev is anyway. T went to go see her grandma and aunt. She loves spending time with them I couldn't say no, plus it saves me the headache of hearing her bitch about MIL. I'm getting her today and the next week she's going with Kev to MILs. Then off to my bros for a few days before school starts.

School, I got a B- in that class, woohoo. I barely passed it considering I missed so many days. Didn't take the first exam, walked into the second one unprepared (got a 70), and handed in all my assignments late. I had to take the final and the make up first test at the same time. I had to wait for my net to be hooked up in order to do the work. Thankfully the professor was understanding.

Speaking of net that was a whole other issue in itself. I couldn't get net right away because I was going with cable over dsl. And of course things aren't easy for me. I've said that right? The previous tenants left a bill of almost 1000 so I had to have an utility bill in my name first along with a notarized letter from the LL stating that I live here now. Once I finally got the bill I went and ordered my net. Of course the girl only took the two bills and didn't even bother with the letter. But hey whatever I got my net. I went with Earthlink, which scammed me by the way. They failed to inform me that they don't do wireless and only allow the modem to work with one computer. So I had to go out and by a wireless router. But now I'm all good and things are set.

Now I have the lovely luck of fighting of laryngitis. I'm coughing like no ones business, lost my voice, but I'm getting it back. And I'm using the pump like wow! I should really do a treatment and I fast.

Well fuck that's enough for now I have to treat and cook.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

School is done for two weeks and my little girl is now 11!!

First woohoo I made it through another semester at school and did pretty well. I managed to pass my accounting class, even though I bombed the final. I passed my exit out exam for math with the highest score in the class so far. A few students still have to take it. My law class should be a good grade, I had an A to date when I handed in my final legal memo. I'm must say I'm so glad it's over. The summer session starts on the 25th but it shouldn't be so hard, I'm retaking a class that I started to take the semester I took leave. If I don't pass that class with a good grade I have no one to blame but myself.

And OMG I can't believe my little girl is now 11 years old. She just looks so damn grown now it's scary. She is one beautiful young girl who is becoming a beautiful young woman. She enjoyed her day yesterday so much, and I'm glad. It started off with a mani pedi, then off to get her hair cut and straightened out. She looks great that way but so much older. After that her bff met us at home then we went to pierce her ears, she wanted a second hole. After that we all went rollerskating, even her little brother joined in. And OMG did that boy look so cute trying to skate.

Today Kev took her to buy a new pair of sneakers and an outfit or two. But the best news of and gift she got yesterday was her acceptance letter to the magnet school for smart kids. We were so thrilled that had to have been the best gift she could have gotten yesterday.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

So screwed it's not even funny

I messed up big time and missed the last two accounting classes over the past two Saturdays. The first one I had no babysitting, the second one I was too tired from the night before to get up in the morning. So now because I slacked I managed to miss all the review and the final is on the 2nd of June. I wouldn't normally worry, but accounting I really just don't get. I'm fucked up the ass with no lube. Now I have one week to try and review on my own and hope that I can manage to at least pass this final by the skin of my teeth.

On a good note my cousins daughter did wake from the coma. She's still not 100% better, but she's awake. The swelling in her eyes went down, and she's very responsive, however, she still can not speak. And the poor thing gets very frustrated when she tries to with no avail.

MIL appears to be kissing ass right now. It's freaking funny actually. She expects all of us to go to a graduation party in PA. Never mind the fact that it happens to be on the same day of T's 11th birthday. Or the fact that we would have to rent a car to make the trip. And who do you think she expects to rent the car? Why us of course, like we can shit out the money for that. Sorry but 1 we don't have the money to rent a car, and 2 I'm not forcing my kid to celebrate someone else's graduation and not her birthday on her actual birthday! Especially with people we've never met.

I hope finals go by fast, I have three finals and one final memo to hand in. I need to work on that memo but I so hate this law class. At least I got the stops taken off my registrations and I can register as soon as I get a date to do it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Man it's been a while for real this time

Over a month since my last blog post. Things have been so crazy it's not even funny. Work has me busy, school has me busy, the kids have me busy, all and all life just has me busy. We are still waiting to hear from the school T applied for. I'm sure she got in but I would like to see it in writing. Kev has pink eye right now so I've missed two days of work and a midterm today. I hope I can make up for it Thursday with no problem. I'm trying to come up with a payment plan for school. Because of my medical leave for fall I'm responsible for a percentage of the tuition. Over $800 and I don't know how I'm really going to pay that. I told them I could pay $200 this week and next month pay $400. I should get my grant money next month so I can pay that $4oo and not have it hurt, like it would this month. I hope they OK the offer. I have to wait for a call back from them.

On a good note I will be working full time in the summer so that means more money. So after July 4th my check will look very nice. One of them should cover most if not all of Kevs daycare. However, I will also be getting bunion surgery on both feet this summer too. I will do it one at a time so that I can work and go to school. I know it's nuts but if I don't have it done I will suffer in pain daily. I've had enough daily suffering to last a life time with my other health issues.

Another good note is that my cousins kid is breathing on her own. She can breath better with the respirator, but is breathing well enough on her own to be off of it. She is still in a coma with no real signs of waking any time soon. So because of that they are prepping her to be taken home that way. Not a choice I would make but I have to respect my cousins choice. I just hope she wakes up and doesn't end up like that for the rest of her life. If you can even call that a life.

I would write more but frankly I don't feel like it.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Life is cruel and unfair at times

I just got off the phone with my cousin to see how her daughter is doing. She is still the same but is responding to pain. It also seems like she is trying to open her eyes, but just can't do it yet. The swelling is still in the brain but no hemorrhaging or any other problems of that sort. They're going to run a MRI in the morning. Poor lil girl is only 13 years old. How can something so horrible happen? I knew asthma was a killer, hell I have it. But I had no idea it could make a person comatose.

My heart is breaking for my cousin and for Brianna, but this just goes to show you that as a parent, we should never slack on the life saving medicine our children should be taking. If she had been on the medicine like she was told to be on, she wouldn't be in the state she is in now.

I would love to believe in God ya know, but it's things like this that make me question. I know we are here for many reasons, including suffering. But why make children suffer so? How does that make sense? How does that teach a lesson to the ones suffering? The only ones who could even possibly learn a lesson are the parents or other adults. And it's just not fair to make a child suffer in order for an adult to learn something in life.

This has me in the crappiest mood possible. I try not to think about it but I can't help it. It's on the back of my mind like you won't believe. I freaking babysat this child when she was only a few months old. I've seen her grow up into the young woman she's become today. Just please let her be OK. That's all I want for her to wake up and things be fine.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Damn it's been a while

I've been busy like usual but I also haven't exactly been in the blogging mood. This week has been a good one so I can't bitch about it. It started off with the circus on Monday and the kids loved it. Tuesday was just a regular day but with no classes. WOOHOO Spring Break!!!! Wednesday I had my follow up allergist appointment to start my allergy shots. I have to get them weekly or bi weekly at least. Kev met me and we came home and just relaxed. UMMM Ya relaxed that's it. lol Thursday he also met me and we just came home to chill. It's been nice just spending time alone. I love it when the house is empty.

T is off visiting her godmother for a few days, she should return tomorrow night. Doni came on Wednesday night so right now I just have her and lil man. I'll have to find something for us to do later, hopefully the weather won't be too bad and maybe I can take them to the park. I do have to go out regardless, must go to the butcher and get meat for the next few days. I should also pick up food for Sunday. Nothing special just maybe a bird or ham. I did pick up some clothes for the kids, oh yeah I did that on Tuesday I forgot about that. DOH! Nothing special just regular clothes they can wear over again. Jeans, polo and jean cap for Kev, a cute dress that T will wear in the summer. So it's not a waste of money plus I got them for a little over 20 bucks so that's all good.

We are thinking of just going to the movies on Sunday and that's pretty much it. My bro did want to do something but he failed to call me and set something up before he left for his trip. So I hope he doesn't expect us to travel or anything like that on short notice. Sorry bro love ya but shit you need to stick to your word. I do need to get some studying done but of course I haven't. I suck when it comes to studying. I've almost never done it. But hey I'm still a honor student so I must be doing something right.

Hmmm I really can't think of what else to write about so till next time.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Man what a day

Holy crap this Saturday class is something else. It's bad enough I hardly get what the fuck is being taught, but the professor is just WOW!!!! I have no words for this man. He really is just out there. But I've been told the way to pass him is to do his work and to try and befriend him. If I can do both he will up my grade no matter how I do. So befriend him I'm gonna, and I think I might have started. Today he asked about the pet food recall and what brands where on the list. Well, lucky me I had printed a copy of that list on Thursday and left it in my bag. So I gave it to him to keep. I think the dog food he just got is on the list. And he was talking to me a bit during the break today. So woohoo, ya I gotta play a bit of the kiss ass but fuck I need all the help I can get in this class. Especially after missing last week, I missed an important class with lots of important notes I need to find a way to get.

But crap did todays class give me a freaking headache. After that I had to go to FedEx/Kinkos to make copies of my book for my classmate. Since we are taking two classes together and we are cool we're book sharing. Spent like 30 bucks on copies, well, she did I didn't. But it's still cheaper than buying the book at the bookstore.

Another thing not helping out the past few days are these damn cramps I'm getting. OMG they are painful, I might just pop one of my script pain pills to help. I'm saving them for my afs but this hurts almost as bad.

Grrr I need to buy a new mouse also. This one is on it's last licks. IT was bad enough that Kev broke it more that it was messed up, but now the cord is pretty shot too. I had a hard enough time locating the driver required to re install the damn thing. I lost the driver when I tried to see if Kevs new wireless mouse was working or not. It messed up both our laptops. This man better get me my mouse fast.

On a good note T's bunk futon bed is now up in her room. It gives her more space in there, plus it gives Doni her own bed to sleep in. So this should end the complaints I get about their sleeping arrangements. If it doesn't so help those girls cause I will hurt em.

Well it's getting late and I want to relax. So that's all for now.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sad day for me today

Well not that sad because I kinda already had an idea this was an issue, but now it has been confirmed. After going to the allergist today and being in there for four, yes four fucking hours! It has been confirmed that I'm allergic to cats, dust, and tree pollen. And of course I have two cats that I now need to get rid off. I was planning on getting rid of the boy because he's become to unruly, but I love my Sandy and I didn't plan on getting rid of her. She's my fluff ball. I got her for mother's day the year before I got pg with Kev. She was my baby fever fix. When I saw her in the pet shop she just looked so pretty and tiny. And once I held her she felt like a ball of cotton and I knew she was meant to be mine. So Kev got her for me and I was in love with a cat for the first time ever. Gradually she attached herself to Tiana, so she's really become a part of the family that we all loved. Smokey I had gotten to satisfy Kevs need for his own cat, but he turned out to be more than we can handle. The straw that broke my back was the scratch he gave lil Kev in the face. But the finally straw that broke big Kevs back is the fact that we have had to purchase a brand new bed for T thanks to the piss stain and smell he left on her freaking mattress!

But man on man the allergist is not fun. I managed to get stuck 41 freaking times today alone. First they did the scratch test on my arms. So each arm got 16 damn scratches, then off to the lab for two viles of blood to be taken. After the scratch test showed that I had no reaction, the doctor decided to play it safe and do some sort of other test that required 8 more needle punctures under the skin on the top of my left arm. And OMG it was horrible all of it. The scratch tests hurt more than the freaking first four needles. But the last four hurt because it hit the fleshy area of my arm. All and all it was a choice she made because I do have allergies. I have to go back in 2 weeks and if my lab work comes back good she wants to do allergy shots. I'm a bit nervous about those but hey it's either that or suffer with repeat sinus infections or an asthma attack due to the pollen coming fairly soon.

Well, I have some steak marinating that I have to put on the grill so that's all folks.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Last Weekends Pictures as Promised

Ain't I cute?!!!

The cousins

Sis is giving me a push

Swing time fun

The Day of Rest

So it's Sunday and it's been a nice and quiet one. Just how I like it. This morning I went to get my bi-weekly pampering and it felt great. I did get the girl that gives the pedicures to fast, but at least her paint jobs make up for the speediness. I'm totally in love with the color I picked for my nails, I so have to go buy a bottle. It's called Sands of Time by Maybeline. Some one must have left it behind after getting their nails done.

UGHHH I'm so tired of the snow and ice already. You can hardly walk out there with all the damn icy snow on the ground. I almost busted my ass going down my own front steps. The snow and ice fell off our awning and all over our steps. NICE!!!!!! And then with the temps going up and down the snow melts and more ice begins to form. It's going to be a mess for a few days until the sun melts this whole mess away. At least the snow will make sure our upstate rivers are full. Gotta try and look at the bright side of things right?

I did my math homework earlier too, so I got that out of the way. I tried to do my law work but I was a bit confused on it. I'll have to ask my professor what exactly she wants so that I can do it correctly. It's not that hard really but the explanation isn't crystal clear and I hate doing things half assed. Especially in law, after all this is the field I plan to make my career in.

Tonight I'm making Crockpot chicken tacos. They taste so yummy that way and it's the easiest meal to make. Just mix chicken broth, taco seasonings and chicken cutlet in the pot cook on high for 2-3 hours and shred. How much easier can it get?

Well, I better get going and check on the lil dude. He's throwing a screaming fit and I'm willing to bet it's over his mega blocks!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snowed in Saturday

So I woke up to a good amount of frozen snow out there this morning. Needless to say I skipped class because of it. They didn't even plow the street, there is no way I'm taking mass transit to school today. Those buses can lose traction easy. I'm not going to risk that. I highly doubt many people went today anyway. I spoke to Rebeena and she said that the school streets for parking were dead. And they are never that way unless there are no classes. So I'm sure not may showed, maybe even the professor himself.

Since it's so cold and icy out I'm gonna crock pot a good chicken wings in honey sauce meal. I guess I'll make some rice to go with that. I can just imagine how good that will taste later. Man I must admit it feels good to just be home right now not running around. Kev is napping, T watching TV, and Big Kev went to the market to get the food for later. Myself, I'm just pogo'n it up today. I should and will do my homework later on. It's not much but I want to get it out the way.

Shame the weather messed up the parade for people, but the actual city didn't get much snow so I guess it wasn't too ruined. That's one thing I hate about the difference between Queens and Manhattan. They almost never get a good accumulation of snow so the rest of the boroughs get ignored. But oh well what can I do about that really. Not much to do but move out of NYC one day. I hope to achieve that sooner rather than later.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday yet again

Oh how I love Fridays, it's just a shame that I have class tomorrow. But I think I might skip it. We got hit with one hell of a snow/hail storm today and it's not going to let up any time soon. It will probably still be hailing in the morning and I don't think I want to travel in that crap. I'll wait it out and see how it goes. I should go it's accounting class and it's only my second class.

Today was payday, YAY. I worked my ass off for the past 15 days I deserved that nice check. Shame I had to give it ALL to daycare though. But it's OK I got my transit metro card from them so I don't have to buy one, which means the money in my pocket is my own. But they did forget to take it out of me pre taxed money so I'll have to give that back later on. I didn't want to say anything today about it. But I will on Monday. I know bad me but I wasn't in the mood to go into all of that. It's not my fault they forgot to take that out.

Also all that hard work paid off because the co-op board was very happy with my spread sheet. They just wanted to know a small amount of information more that took me less than a few minutes to do. I still have to make some more copies but all and all it's over with for now. I wonder what other work they are going to throw at me. I hope it keeps me busy but not too busy. lol

I so feel like going out on a date with Kevin this weekend, but with no sitter and me not trusting MIL that's just not going to happen. I'll just have to settle for drinking some wine getting tipsy and hopefully getting taken advantage of later. LOL I just want to relax this weekend but that won't happen either. I will however, get my nails done so that is relaxing in it's own way.

Well time to watch All My Children and drink my glass of wine.

Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Morning

Ahh gotta love a good Sunday morning where you can just chill out and relax. Ya we lost an hour of sleep, but I'm not feeling it so it's all good. Everyone woke up in a pleasant mood and brunch is about to be served. Later on the kids and myself will go wish Uncle Al a happy birthday. The weather is beautiful so I know the kids will have fun playing in the yard today. I plan to take some pictures, so keep an eye out for them. And if you don't see them make sure to get on my ass to post them. LMAO I'm horrible at that shit.

Yesterday was my first day of accounting class and OMG the professor is a flat out asshole. He came in late and straight up told us, he doesn't like to be jerked around, he's moody and we just have to deal with it, and he's short tempered. Nice way to start off a long ass 6 freaking hour class! I swear like half the class looked and we all had our "time to drop the class" up. But I'm not alone in this long ass class, I do have companionship, so I'm good. I can tough this out and I won't let a professor scare me. I'm too grown for that shit.

The only down side to this weekend so far is that I'm having cramps for a tmi situation that I will spare the eyes from.

Friday, March 9, 2007

WOW what a week

Damn this has been on hell of a long ass week. I got a taste of just how busy I'm going to be, and HOLY SHIT! it's hella busy. I had my classes this week so I don't get home to after 8 2 nights a week, and after 7 for one of them. The other two I get home around my normal time, but not this week cuz I've been working a boat load too. But hey more hours equals more money so I'm not complaining. I put in 32 hours just this week alone, and I'm a part time worker. But the pay will be nice and make up for the lack of pay I got on my last check. Tomorrow will be one long ass day too, I have class from 9 to about 4 or so. At least my friend is in that class with me too, so it won't feel so long I hope. It's cool we are taking two classes together this semester.

So far I'm not a fan of my math class, but I do like my legal research class. I know I won't be a fan of tomorrows class either since it's accounting. Did I mention how much I HATE math! And I'm so lucky to be taking two kinds of math classes. I'll be having night mares with numbers this semester. I just hope it won't be so bad or feel to long.

On a good note I got all that work done that I had to get done on time. WOOHOO!!!!!! Now I just have to do a spread sheet for the stuff and it's good to go. But the biggest part was done and the project manager was happy and pleased with the work. He told the big guy earlier that I'm doing a wonderful job so far. That felt awesome to hear, it put my mind at ease as far as my job goes. I was worried because I had to take time off already because Kev was sick. But they seem like a very understanding company when it comes to children, so that's good.

Well that's enough from me, lil man is driving daddy up the wall, not that I mind. LOL

Monday, March 5, 2007

Day 1 of the spring semester and did I feel dumb!

OMG I'm pissed at myself for forgetting everything I learned just last semester. This is why I just can't stand math, I just learned this stuff not even six months ago!!!! But yet I could only answer 2 out of 15 questions and even then I think I got them wrong. Thankfully this doesn't count it's just an assessment of where her students are at. Damn I hope I can pick this up fast again. She seems like a cool professor so far. There is just one thing I don't like about her class work. She wants 6 journal entries about what we learned and give examples.

I picked up my books too and OMG thank the heavens I get a book voucher for that stuff. For just 3 books that came to almost 300 bucks! Can we say SHOCKED!!!! I mean I know they cost money but damn! That's a whole lot of money. If this had to come out of my pocket I'd be damn broke. I went to the ECLC and filled out another intent to return form for Kev. This holds his spot if he goes back in the summer or fall.

Well, it's time to eat and then watch my favorite shows for Monday.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

My last night of sanity

Well my weekend went as planned so I can't complain. Only one thing didn't get done and that was laundry, but I hate doing that anyway. But I got my hair cut, nails done, and a pedicure that felt like heaven. I feel like a new woman and I'm loving it.

Last night was a good night too. Has some great quality time with Kev, and it was so needed. I'm actually looking forward to some more tonight. I know things are going to get crazy so I have to make the most of what we got now.

I hope things go smoothly tomorrow. It will be one hell of a long day, up by 6 am at work by 9, work till 2, class at 330 there till 530, pick up Kev, come home and cook, get things ready for class on Tuesday to then do it all over again. But I'll be in school till 730 ugh! But it's for an important law class so it should be interesting.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another pretty good day.

I was able to meet the deadline at work a full day early. YEAH!!!!!!!!! All I have are a handful of surveys left with no building number, apt. number, or address on them. So I can't look them up with the list I have. But I will be given access to the database and can search for that information by tenant name. I expect that all to be done tomorrow. I was so worried I wouldn't meet this deadline. It's a good thing I went in on Sat or else I wouldn't have met it.

Just finished dinner and I must say it was damn good. We had fine linguine, cheese and parsley sausage with 7 herb tomatoes sauce. I even made a fudge marble cake with chocolate frosting and funfetti. The kids are enjoying that right now. Did all that and still had dinner done at the normal time. GO ME!! lol

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Monday

It's Monday again, YEAH!!! NOT!!! But I can't really complain it's been a decent day all and all. Ya it snowed and ya it's still snowing on and off, but it's nothing like it was with the last snow storm. So I was able to actually push the carriage threw what was out there. Which really wasn't much. I was able to get 5 more buildings done at work today. Just 8 more to got woohoo!! I'm gonna meet this deadline after all.

Kevin had a good day too. Daddy said he was fine when he dropped him off this morning. He seemed fine when I got there. He was happy to see me but didn't want to leave the punk! He was crying and whining the whole time I was getting on his coat. Then most of the ride home too he was being bratty. But thats the life of a mother to a toddler.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Not a bad day

Today Kev had to bring Doni back home and left early like 11 am. So I cleaned up some and then my girlfriend came to drop off some hand me downs for lil man. But instead of just staying home we went to BJs and did some shopping. I didn't get much just meds for the house in bulk so its cheaper that way.

But omg I've never seen her kids before and she hasn't seen T since she was like 2. Her son is just like her I swear he's her clone and so damn cute. Her daughter is mixed of her and him. But she's a cutie too has her mommys mouth for sure. And oh what a drama queen. Too funny. Her son wanted to come home with me but he couldn't. And I think we are going to plan a wedding in 20 years between Kev and Destiny. They looked so damn cute in the cart next to each other. Pulling the typical boy girl thing of looking at each other then looking away. Puppy love! lmao

And the clothes she passed on are so nice, Kev won't need jeans for a while. I've been so lucky with the amount of hand me downs I've gotten for him since he was born. Thanks to whomever has passed on stuff to him, it's helped out a lot. Come think about it I've been lucky these past two years with the hand me downs I've gotten for both my kids.

So all and all not a bad Sunday at all. I got to get out the house with the kids and hung out with my home girl.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What a day

Man am I tired right now. I got up early today to go into work. Got there around 930 and worked till 330, six hours straight. But I needed to go and make up for the time I missed being home, the money I lost staying home, and make sure I meet that March deadline. Good thing is that I got most of it done. Only 13 more buildings left. woohoo I hope I can get this all done by the first. I should be able to, I hope!

Coming home was a bitch I waited for over 30 minutes for the fucking bus. The bus sucks around here I would have been better off taking the other one and walking home. I would have made it faster. I'll remember that for the next Saturday I have to take that damn bus.

After ordering some chinks to eat it was off to the movies to see GhostRider. It was a damn good movie but never again am I going to take lil man to a movie I really want to watch. He doesn't know how to just chill and watch the movie yet. I'll only go to the kiddy movies from now on with him. At least the girls liked it, shame we had to break our necks to watch it though. The damn theater was crowded and we had to sit up front. It's not easy to sit 5 in a crowded theater.

After all of that I'm worn out. I got some wine in the fridge that I'm thinking about cracking open. But I'm not sure I feel like getting drunk or having a sip really for that matter tonight. I'm a bit too tired to do anything right now. But a glass might help me unwind and relax some more.

School is almost around the corner. One more weekend left then classes start up. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday will be spoken for with my classes. I will only have 3 days during the week to get things done and have some sort of life outside of work and school.

Oh well I feel like I wrote enough of a novel to satisfy my needs.

Friday, February 23, 2007


But even though it's Friday and I'm home, again. I still have to work tomorrow. I need to make up the time, money, and get that shit done. Plus I need to get used to being up and out on Sat. again since I'm taking a Sat. class all damn day starting in like two weeks. I just didn't feel right sending Kev in just yet. I know he's feeling better and I should have sent him but why torture him for one day. He hasn't been there since last Thursday so sending him today would have caused a major issue. And for what to have him home again for the weekend then back on Monday. For that he'll just go on Monday. By then he would have been taking his meds for 1 week, so he'll be just fine.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another day home with lil man

I was going to go in today but when we noticed that lil man didn't wake up at his normal time, we said OK one more day. So today is my day. Yes, big Kev stayed home with lil man yesterday. I'm glad he did. I still have a boat load of work to catch up on. Wish I could have brought some home with me, but I couldn't. OH Well nothing I can do then, I'll see if I can go in on Sat. and make up for lost work and hours.

I wanted to blog yesterday but I didn't get a chance to. I was way to busy at work to get some things typed and way to tired once I got home. So here I sit now watching Dora with Kev while he's whining away today, again. He's been so whiny lately and it's really hitting a nerve with us. But again it comes with the territory.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fucking pissed off!

K so I get the call from Dad that now he doesn't know if he can stay home tomorrow. And why can't I? UM how about the fact that I just started working there haven't even been there a whole month yet. And today makes two days I've called in cuz of lil man. Why is it I'm always the one who gets stuck in these damn lurches. So he suggest his mother. UM HELLO DID YOU LOSE YOUR DAMN MIND!!!! You know that's not an option for many reasons. I don't give a flying fuck if his teacher is sick and might not be in tomorrow. You have a fucking kid too not just me. Ya his money pays the bills but fuck you have sick time! I don't! This just pisses me off to no end. I hate it. If this is what things were going to be like when OUR child gets sick then why the hell did I even go back to work in the first damn place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This man is going to be up shits creek with no paddle if he's not home tomorrow.

Home with sick boy

Day one of staying home from work with lil man. He's feeling much better cuz he faught me on taking his damn meds. Damn that strong willed kid. Wonder where he got that from? lmao But I'm glad he's doing better tomorrow is daddys turn. I'm glad this week the weather is going to stay in the 40s I'm so tired of the cold ass brick weather. I'm a warm blooded girl and like my warm temps.

I should call the ENT and see if he'll call in a script for me. I really don't feel like going to see him again! My sinus infection moved into my chest that's for sure. But nothing is really coming up. And nothing colored coming out my nose so that's good. I know gross, but my blog!!! HA HA Like anyone else really reads this anyway. lol

T left this morning she should have a decent time at her aunt and grandmas house. This crazy woman (MIL) took Doni and wanted to take Kev, over my dead body lady. That will never happen again. Not after our fight and not after what she did to her own grand daughter. I'm supposed to leave my son with that wack job! I don't think so!!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

And the verdict is in

Double ear infection with strep throat. Yup that's what my lil guy has, poor kiddo. No wonder he's been so damn cranky. Poor kid can't seem to stay healthy this winter, he's had bronchitis twice already now this. DOH! Looks like mom passed on her shitty immune system to both her kids.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Still feeling a bit under the weather

But I don't feel as horrible as I did yesterday. I went and got my nails done today and now I have to get used to typing with long nails again. lol It shouldn't take me too long. Kev went to get Doni for the week, but she's only gonna stay the night here then off to her grandmas house she goes for the week. T is gonna go off with her aunt and grandma for the week too. But honestly I don't even understand why Doni is even coming down in the first place, it's not like she's gonna spend time with her father. But I guess she's too much of an inconvenience for her mother she'd rather send her down here instead. Oh well not much you can do when the other parent is self centered.

We would love to go to the movies later but I doubt that will happen, lil man is still feverish. He shouldn't go any where, maybe I should just stay home with him while Kev takes the girls. Poor T really wants to go and I did promise her she would go this weekend. Lil man is dying to go out too but not with him still having a fever. I wonder why he has them nothing else seems to be wrong. He did say his throat is hurting so I hope it's nothing serious. I will freak out if this kid gets the flu, he got the damn shot to prevent this crap.

Hopefully everyone will wake up feeling better tomorrow. I so don't want to go to work next week feeling this way. Fucked up sinuses suck!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yup gotta love being me!

I freaking hate this crap. Why is it that my nose has to just be messed up without no real explaination. Leave it to me to have this fucked up luck. DOH! So much for my appointment today, but I won't let this shit stop me tomorrow. I'm gonna get my damn nails done and take my kids to the movies, as long as little man doesn't wake up with a damn fever again.

But you know what this is one sick day, but all in all things have been going good the past few weeks. Found myself a good job in my opinion. Money is looking a bit better for me. I can actually buy things and now worry about other stuff too much. Classes are just about to start. I hope that goes well. But I'm not over doing it this time so I think it should go great. My medical leave was approved so my GPA stay at 3.5. So far I don't owe the school money so I can afford to pay for my attny. And if I do end up having to pay, I will have the money for it. I won the office pool and was able to send my mom cash.

So YUP! things are starting to look up for me!
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