Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another pretty good day.

I was able to meet the deadline at work a full day early. YEAH!!!!!!!!! All I have are a handful of surveys left with no building number, apt. number, or address on them. So I can't look them up with the list I have. But I will be given access to the database and can search for that information by tenant name. I expect that all to be done tomorrow. I was so worried I wouldn't meet this deadline. It's a good thing I went in on Sat or else I wouldn't have met it.

Just finished dinner and I must say it was damn good. We had fine linguine, cheese and parsley sausage with 7 herb tomatoes sauce. I even made a fudge marble cake with chocolate frosting and funfetti. The kids are enjoying that right now. Did all that and still had dinner done at the normal time. GO ME!! lol

Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Monday

It's Monday again, YEAH!!! NOT!!! But I can't really complain it's been a decent day all and all. Ya it snowed and ya it's still snowing on and off, but it's nothing like it was with the last snow storm. So I was able to actually push the carriage threw what was out there. Which really wasn't much. I was able to get 5 more buildings done at work today. Just 8 more to got woohoo!! I'm gonna meet this deadline after all.

Kevin had a good day too. Daddy said he was fine when he dropped him off this morning. He seemed fine when I got there. He was happy to see me but didn't want to leave the punk! He was crying and whining the whole time I was getting on his coat. Then most of the ride home too he was being bratty. But thats the life of a mother to a toddler.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Not a bad day

Today Kev had to bring Doni back home and left early like 11 am. So I cleaned up some and then my girlfriend came to drop off some hand me downs for lil man. But instead of just staying home we went to BJs and did some shopping. I didn't get much just meds for the house in bulk so its cheaper that way.

But omg I've never seen her kids before and she hasn't seen T since she was like 2. Her son is just like her I swear he's her clone and so damn cute. Her daughter is mixed of her and him. But she's a cutie too has her mommys mouth for sure. And oh what a drama queen. Too funny. Her son wanted to come home with me but he couldn't. And I think we are going to plan a wedding in 20 years between Kev and Destiny. They looked so damn cute in the cart next to each other. Pulling the typical boy girl thing of looking at each other then looking away. Puppy love! lmao

And the clothes she passed on are so nice, Kev won't need jeans for a while. I've been so lucky with the amount of hand me downs I've gotten for him since he was born. Thanks to whomever has passed on stuff to him, it's helped out a lot. Come think about it I've been lucky these past two years with the hand me downs I've gotten for both my kids.

So all and all not a bad Sunday at all. I got to get out the house with the kids and hung out with my home girl.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

What a day

Man am I tired right now. I got up early today to go into work. Got there around 930 and worked till 330, six hours straight. But I needed to go and make up for the time I missed being home, the money I lost staying home, and make sure I meet that March deadline. Good thing is that I got most of it done. Only 13 more buildings left. woohoo I hope I can get this all done by the first. I should be able to, I hope!

Coming home was a bitch I waited for over 30 minutes for the fucking bus. The bus sucks around here I would have been better off taking the other one and walking home. I would have made it faster. I'll remember that for the next Saturday I have to take that damn bus.

After ordering some chinks to eat it was off to the movies to see GhostRider. It was a damn good movie but never again am I going to take lil man to a movie I really want to watch. He doesn't know how to just chill and watch the movie yet. I'll only go to the kiddy movies from now on with him. At least the girls liked it, shame we had to break our necks to watch it though. The damn theater was crowded and we had to sit up front. It's not easy to sit 5 in a crowded theater.

After all of that I'm worn out. I got some wine in the fridge that I'm thinking about cracking open. But I'm not sure I feel like getting drunk or having a sip really for that matter tonight. I'm a bit too tired to do anything right now. But a glass might help me unwind and relax some more.

School is almost around the corner. One more weekend left then classes start up. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday will be spoken for with my classes. I will only have 3 days during the week to get things done and have some sort of life outside of work and school.

Oh well I feel like I wrote enough of a novel to satisfy my needs.

Friday, February 23, 2007


But even though it's Friday and I'm home, again. I still have to work tomorrow. I need to make up the time, money, and get that shit done. Plus I need to get used to being up and out on Sat. again since I'm taking a Sat. class all damn day starting in like two weeks. I just didn't feel right sending Kev in just yet. I know he's feeling better and I should have sent him but why torture him for one day. He hasn't been there since last Thursday so sending him today would have caused a major issue. And for what to have him home again for the weekend then back on Monday. For that he'll just go on Monday. By then he would have been taking his meds for 1 week, so he'll be just fine.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another day home with lil man

I was going to go in today but when we noticed that lil man didn't wake up at his normal time, we said OK one more day. So today is my day. Yes, big Kev stayed home with lil man yesterday. I'm glad he did. I still have a boat load of work to catch up on. Wish I could have brought some home with me, but I couldn't. OH Well nothing I can do then, I'll see if I can go in on Sat. and make up for lost work and hours.

I wanted to blog yesterday but I didn't get a chance to. I was way to busy at work to get some things typed and way to tired once I got home. So here I sit now watching Dora with Kev while he's whining away today, again. He's been so whiny lately and it's really hitting a nerve with us. But again it comes with the territory.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fucking pissed off!

K so I get the call from Dad that now he doesn't know if he can stay home tomorrow. And why can't I? UM how about the fact that I just started working there haven't even been there a whole month yet. And today makes two days I've called in cuz of lil man. Why is it I'm always the one who gets stuck in these damn lurches. So he suggest his mother. UM HELLO DID YOU LOSE YOUR DAMN MIND!!!! You know that's not an option for many reasons. I don't give a flying fuck if his teacher is sick and might not be in tomorrow. You have a fucking kid too not just me. Ya his money pays the bills but fuck you have sick time! I don't! This just pisses me off to no end. I hate it. If this is what things were going to be like when OUR child gets sick then why the hell did I even go back to work in the first damn place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This man is going to be up shits creek with no paddle if he's not home tomorrow.

Home with sick boy

Day one of staying home from work with lil man. He's feeling much better cuz he faught me on taking his damn meds. Damn that strong willed kid. Wonder where he got that from? lmao But I'm glad he's doing better tomorrow is daddys turn. I'm glad this week the weather is going to stay in the 40s I'm so tired of the cold ass brick weather. I'm a warm blooded girl and like my warm temps.

I should call the ENT and see if he'll call in a script for me. I really don't feel like going to see him again! My sinus infection moved into my chest that's for sure. But nothing is really coming up. And nothing colored coming out my nose so that's good. I know gross, but my blog!!! HA HA Like anyone else really reads this anyway. lol

T left this morning she should have a decent time at her aunt and grandmas house. This crazy woman (MIL) took Doni and wanted to take Kev, over my dead body lady. That will never happen again. Not after our fight and not after what she did to her own grand daughter. I'm supposed to leave my son with that wack job! I don't think so!!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

And the verdict is in

Double ear infection with strep throat. Yup that's what my lil guy has, poor kiddo. No wonder he's been so damn cranky. Poor kid can't seem to stay healthy this winter, he's had bronchitis twice already now this. DOH! Looks like mom passed on her shitty immune system to both her kids.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Still feeling a bit under the weather

But I don't feel as horrible as I did yesterday. I went and got my nails done today and now I have to get used to typing with long nails again. lol It shouldn't take me too long. Kev went to get Doni for the week, but she's only gonna stay the night here then off to her grandmas house she goes for the week. T is gonna go off with her aunt and grandma for the week too. But honestly I don't even understand why Doni is even coming down in the first place, it's not like she's gonna spend time with her father. But I guess she's too much of an inconvenience for her mother she'd rather send her down here instead. Oh well not much you can do when the other parent is self centered.

We would love to go to the movies later but I doubt that will happen, lil man is still feverish. He shouldn't go any where, maybe I should just stay home with him while Kev takes the girls. Poor T really wants to go and I did promise her she would go this weekend. Lil man is dying to go out too but not with him still having a fever. I wonder why he has them nothing else seems to be wrong. He did say his throat is hurting so I hope it's nothing serious. I will freak out if this kid gets the flu, he got the damn shot to prevent this crap.

Hopefully everyone will wake up feeling better tomorrow. I so don't want to go to work next week feeling this way. Fucked up sinuses suck!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yup gotta love being me!

I freaking hate this crap. Why is it that my nose has to just be messed up without no real explaination. Leave it to me to have this fucked up luck. DOH! So much for my appointment today, but I won't let this shit stop me tomorrow. I'm gonna get my damn nails done and take my kids to the movies, as long as little man doesn't wake up with a damn fever again.

But you know what this is one sick day, but all in all things have been going good the past few weeks. Found myself a good job in my opinion. Money is looking a bit better for me. I can actually buy things and now worry about other stuff too much. Classes are just about to start. I hope that goes well. But I'm not over doing it this time so I think it should go great. My medical leave was approved so my GPA stay at 3.5. So far I don't owe the school money so I can afford to pay for my attny. And if I do end up having to pay, I will have the money for it. I won the office pool and was able to send my mom cash.

So YUP! things are starting to look up for me!
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