Saturday, April 7, 2007

Life is cruel and unfair at times

I just got off the phone with my cousin to see how her daughter is doing. She is still the same but is responding to pain. It also seems like she is trying to open her eyes, but just can't do it yet. The swelling is still in the brain but no hemorrhaging or any other problems of that sort. They're going to run a MRI in the morning. Poor lil girl is only 13 years old. How can something so horrible happen? I knew asthma was a killer, hell I have it. But I had no idea it could make a person comatose.

My heart is breaking for my cousin and for Brianna, but this just goes to show you that as a parent, we should never slack on the life saving medicine our children should be taking. If she had been on the medicine like she was told to be on, she wouldn't be in the state she is in now.

I would love to believe in God ya know, but it's things like this that make me question. I know we are here for many reasons, including suffering. But why make children suffer so? How does that make sense? How does that teach a lesson to the ones suffering? The only ones who could even possibly learn a lesson are the parents or other adults. And it's just not fair to make a child suffer in order for an adult to learn something in life.

This has me in the crappiest mood possible. I try not to think about it but I can't help it. It's on the back of my mind like you won't believe. I freaking babysat this child when she was only a few months old. I've seen her grow up into the young woman she's become today. Just please let her be OK. That's all I want for her to wake up and things be fine.


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