Friday, August 17, 2007

Damn I really suck at this!

HMM Let's see where do I even begin. Life has been well, life! Busy crazy and all over the place. Since I've last blogged I've had foot surgery, relocated and finished my summer classes.

The foot surgery went well, better than I actually expected. I was not knocked out but I was sedated. So basically it was like I was in that wakeful sleep stage where you know what's going on around you but your not fully awake. I went back to work pretty much right away, the following Monday. I was on crutches for about 1.5 weeks, then I was using a cane for the duration. Which I just put away today! WOOT!!! I had to wear the boot for an extra week until I was able to buy a pair of crocs. The only thing that fits my foot at the moment. I think those things are ugly but hey they fit and I only paid 15 bucks. The scar has healed up pretty nicely, but it opened up again once the stitches came out. Ouch!!!!!!! It's pretty much 95% closed up but I'm having a stubborn part. Just like my body to be stubborn. All in all I'm doing better and walking normal. Now I just hope I'll be ready for the wedding next month.

Now the move, that went ughhh. I had a scheduled move for Sat the 27 with the satellite people. But of course I had issues with that. The fucker showed up called my old place then said no one was home. Of course no one was home asshole you called the old house! Mind you Kev was outside and waved the guy in. I bitched and got a 100 credit and rescheduled for the following Sat. That would have went smoothly but nooooo not for me. Another asshole canceled the appointment and didn't put a name so no one to blame. What saved me was the fact that I had scheduled another hook up for a third box. I got a nice manager who set it all straight. The place isn't the best and we're so not staying here for long. Once our taxes come we're going to move again. This place isn't worth the money.

The kids are back home, well Kev is anyway. T went to go see her grandma and aunt. She loves spending time with them I couldn't say no, plus it saves me the headache of hearing her bitch about MIL. I'm getting her today and the next week she's going with Kev to MILs. Then off to my bros for a few days before school starts.

School, I got a B- in that class, woohoo. I barely passed it considering I missed so many days. Didn't take the first exam, walked into the second one unprepared (got a 70), and handed in all my assignments late. I had to take the final and the make up first test at the same time. I had to wait for my net to be hooked up in order to do the work. Thankfully the professor was understanding.

Speaking of net that was a whole other issue in itself. I couldn't get net right away because I was going with cable over dsl. And of course things aren't easy for me. I've said that right? The previous tenants left a bill of almost 1000 so I had to have an utility bill in my name first along with a notarized letter from the LL stating that I live here now. Once I finally got the bill I went and ordered my net. Of course the girl only took the two bills and didn't even bother with the letter. But hey whatever I got my net. I went with Earthlink, which scammed me by the way. They failed to inform me that they don't do wireless and only allow the modem to work with one computer. So I had to go out and by a wireless router. But now I'm all good and things are set.

Now I have the lovely luck of fighting of laryngitis. I'm coughing like no ones business, lost my voice, but I'm getting it back. And I'm using the pump like wow! I should really do a treatment and I fast.

Well fuck that's enough for now I have to treat and cook.


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