Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another crazy day for me!

Great I'm looking at another crazy ass day at work.  How lovely!  The new girl called out sick, the associate is in court all day, so she can't meet with clients today.  One of the partners is in court this morning as well, at least I only have to worry about his phone calls for now.  That is until he gets back and will expect me to do some work for him as well, even though I don't work for him at all.  Our paralegal had to go to court, however, she forgot about two morning meetings today and now my boss is mad that he has to actually meet with clients.  OMG the horror an attorney actually having to meet with people he represents and who pay him. *eye roll*  Ok whomever you are upstairs just help me get through today please?!


Jeanie said...

Oh mama I'm so sorry all hell is breaking loose =[ Wish we lived closer cuz I'd come and whisk ya way for a bit and let off some steam!!!! <3 ya

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