Friday, June 13, 2008

The grades are in

And I gotta say I did pretty darn well. In Statistics I got a C, which when you think about it is great cause I truly should have failed. In English 102 I got a B, she wouldn't give me anything better than a B+ on my papers, and I wasn't going to rewrite B papers when I had other classes to worry about. In Intro to Philosophy, I got an A, and I didn't expect anything less. That teacher was nice but kinda off in a cute way. The class however, barely spoke so there was about 5 of us including myself who kept it going. And in my Civil Litigation class I got another A. Another class I didn't expect anything less in. I aced all her exams, did her two projects with no problem, and have a great rapor with her, she will be an awesome reference one day. So all in all I have a term GPA of 3.250, with a cumulative GPA of 3.384. Not the 3.5 that I wanted but it should still be enough to graduate with honors. I can't believe it, just one more class to go and I'm walking down that isle accepting my degree. Me a college graduate. Never would I have imagined it. I mean I always wanted it, but the way life had led me, I just didn't expect it. I'm so proud that I've been able to do it and keep on chugging no matter what obstacles were thrown at me.

Woot world here I come even stronger than before!


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