Friday, August 13, 2010
Oh dear husband of mine,
Posted by K.A.T at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Now please inform me when exactly are we supposed to sit down and have a conversation with your daughter about her behavior if you are never around to have that conversation with? And the times that you are around you don't bother to sit down and have one. So when I suggest having that conversation during the car ride home to her mother, you shoot me down stating that's not the time nor the place to have it. Do you think I don't know that, but when you are so sparse and she doesn't listen to anyone else, when else are we supposed to do this? Then you swear up and down that she is not being treated differently from the other children who do live with us, but when it comes down to it, you do treat her completely different!
You never truly discipline her, and when you do, you don't sit down and explain to her why she's being punished. You just do stupid shit like skip your visitation weekend because of how she behaved last time and not tell her the reason. HELLO MCFLY!!!!! Do you think she's going to magically know that you're fed up with her antics and that is why you're not picking her up? Communication is a wonderful thing oh husband. Maybe you should learn to have some with your kids!
With much love, even if I'm pissed off at you,
Your very much agitated wife.
You never truly discipline her, and when you do, you don't sit down and explain to her why she's being punished. You just do stupid shit like skip your visitation weekend because of how she behaved last time and not tell her the reason. HELLO MCFLY!!!!! Do you think she's going to magically know that you're fed up with her antics and that is why you're not picking her up? Communication is a wonderful thing oh husband. Maybe you should learn to have some with your kids!

With much love, even if I'm pissed off at you,
Your very much agitated wife.
It's Friday woohoo
Posted by K.A.T at 10:02 AM 0 comments
It's finally Friday, oh how I've been waiting for this day to arrive. Not only is it Friday, but one child gets to go back home to her mother today and stop making our lives hell for a few weeks. I don't care how unlucky today is supposed to be, as long as she's going home it's a lucky day in my book.
I know I sound horrible, but geesh even this child's own mother says she's so horrible that she refuses to have more children. Now if that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does. I just wish we could turn back the hands of time and do something about how she was being raised sooner. How I wish that the judges could have looked past my husbands skin color and gender and see that she would have been better off being raised by us. Our kids are doing wonderfully and everyone finds them a joy to be around. However, add her to the mix and people want to run for the hills screaming all the way. Sadly I can't blame them since I want to follow suit.
The saddest part of this entire mess is that the mother takes no responsibility for "horrible" her child is. Had she been a better parent, more attentive, caring and the like, maybe the child wouldn't be so damn "horrible." Shame when a grown person is in denial over why they're the reason they child is the way they are.
I know I sound horrible, but geesh even this child's own mother says she's so horrible that she refuses to have more children. Now if that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does. I just wish we could turn back the hands of time and do something about how she was being raised sooner. How I wish that the judges could have looked past my husbands skin color and gender and see that she would have been better off being raised by us. Our kids are doing wonderfully and everyone finds them a joy to be around. However, add her to the mix and people want to run for the hills screaming all the way. Sadly I can't blame them since I want to follow suit.
The saddest part of this entire mess is that the mother takes no responsibility for "horrible" her child is. Had she been a better parent, more attentive, caring and the like, maybe the child wouldn't be so damn "horrible." Shame when a grown person is in denial over why they're the reason they child is the way they are.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
3 Weeks to go
Posted by K.A.T at 9:32 AM 0 comments
I can't freaking wait. In 3 weeks exactly we will be going on our first Disney family vacation. I'm super siked to go since this will be my first time. I can't wait to experience the rides and all that Disney has to offer. The lovely smiles on my kids faces as they see their favorite characters, eat all the junk they could want and ride as many rides as possible. Hopefully we will be able to hit Sea World too. I truly want to see Shamu, my trip will not be complete unless I do.
Also, I would love to be able to see Zafera, my bff for many years who has been living in FL for the past 8+ years. If we can pull off hanging out that would be totally divine. Here's to hoping we have a wonderful trip filled with love, laughter and fun.
Also, I would love to be able to see Zafera, my bff for many years who has been living in FL for the past 8+ years. If we can pull off hanging out that would be totally divine. Here's to hoping we have a wonderful trip filled with love, laughter and fun.
Monday, August 2, 2010
To defer or not to defer
Posted by K.A.T at 3:33 PM 0 comments
That's the question that has been floating around in my mind for a few weeks now. Background, back in May I applied to a City University as a Fall transfer student. However, I missed the deadline by months. I was supposed to file my application by February 1st. whoops So now I'm on a wait list based off of seat availability. I'm nervous that I may lose my application fee if do not get in. I've been trying to reach someone but haven't been able to either get a straight answer or a live person on the phone. I do know that if I defer I don't lose me application fee and it can be used for the Spring term instead of the Fall. Now keep in mind that the Fall term for my school starts on the 24th of this month. So if I do get in, I have to scramble for tuition. I don't really want to wait for March to start going back to school, but I think I may be better off in the long run if I do wait.
Oh what to do, what to do. HMMMMMM
Oh what to do, what to do. HMMMMMM
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Another crazy day for me!
Posted by K.A.T at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Great I'm looking at another crazy ass day at work. How lovely! The new girl called out sick, the associate is in court all day, so she can't meet with clients today. One of the partners is in court this morning as well, at least I only have to worry about his phone calls for now. That is until he gets back and will expect me to do some work for him as well, even though I don't work for him at all. Our paralegal had to go to court, however, she forgot about two morning meetings today and now my boss is mad that he has to actually meet with clients. OMG the horror an attorney actually having to meet with people he represents and who pay him. *eye roll* Ok whomever you are upstairs just help me get through today please?!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Totally Stressed OUT!
Posted by K.A.T at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Damn do I feel freaking stressed the fuck out. There is just way too much going on at once and it's starting to stress me out badly. I can't stand being stressed out. It messes with my whole flow of things. I begin to feel overwhelmed, bitchy, exhausted, sick, you name it. My focus isn't as strong as it should be and it's causing me to slack at the office and at home. I finally have the kids back and they're fine, however, now we've just added my stepdaughter to the mix and she's a major stress factor for me. It's her behavior and lack of discipline from my husband that makes it hard to deal with. He feels that she should be treated differently because she doesn't live with us, but that just doesn't help. It actually makes things worse! And now I'm coming to find out that we're going to have her for 3 weeks straight instead of 2. Oh lord what have I gotten myself into? I know I can help her get herself together and respect others more, but I can't do it alone. I'm only her stepmother, not her biological parent. And when I get zero help from her biological parents what the freak am I supposed to do?! It just kills me because her stepfather can discipline her how he sees fit, yet I can't. This is going to be a losing battle for me and one that's going to cause major trouble in my marriage. Oh just grant me the strength to deal with this for a while longer.
Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, that will be my mantra for a while.
Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, that will be my mantra for a while.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Boy am I a slacker on here
Posted by K.A.T at 11:55 AM 0 comments
I truly do suck at blogging. I don't know why I know I can find lots of stupid crap to talk about, I guess I just choose not to. Well anyways, yesterday I took T out shopping for her prom and graduation dresses. Luckily I found both dresses for only 50 bucks, now had I not spent another 42 on myself I would have stayed under budget. DOH! I charged it anyway but still, I should have kept it just to her dresses. Now for the not so lucky part. I managed to step into a fucking pothole while crossing the street. The damn pothole was big enough for my entire left foot to step into up to my ankle. I managed to fall and bust my ass. The lucky part about that was that I didn't break anything. I only managed to bang up my knee and hurt my right foot right where I had surgery a few years back. Needless to say I'm still sore today, yet, here I am at work instead of relaxing at home, where I should be. *sigh* OK that's enough of me bitching for now.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Posted by K.A.T at 12:04 PM 0 comments
I swear I don't get why I bother to offer help to people who I know will freaking just take advantage. I know I'm in the legal field and I know that I run across these things daily. But fucking shit I'm not your damn retained lawyer. You are not paying me for my time and assistance. I gave you a packet to fill out and offered to help you LOOK OVER THE FUCKING DOCUMENTS once you filled them out. Not freaking fill them out for you!!!!! I do not know exactly what I am doing here since I've never done this before. But yet you assume that I know what I'm doing because I'm in the legal field. And you didn't bother to fill out any damn information on the papers because you were too smoked out to do so. Come the fuck on now! Who in the mother fucking right mind smokes shit right before they're going to fill out important legal documents. That would be like lighting a doob right before a piss test. This will be the last time I offer my help. Now when your stupid spouse picks up and leaves you all because he got what he wanted from you, I will not be the one to help you get divorced. You've been warned by many people and now you made your bed it's your time to lay in it.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
One Lazy Sunday
Posted by K.A.T at 5:39 PM 0 comments
That has been my day and I'm fine with that. I've spent my day watching TV, playing games on the laptop and just relaxing. Not a bad Sunday at all. Soon I'll start cooking dinner, meatloaf and mashed taters. Tonight I'll watch Tudors and then I'll just go to bed. Not a bad Sunday at all.
Friday, April 16, 2010
OK So I suck
Posted by K.A.T at 11:30 AM 0 comments
I know I know it's been ages since I've blogged, well over a year. I will do better. I must do better. One of these days, yeah right, I'll get back into blogging.
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