Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday Monday

It's Monday again, YEAH!!! NOT!!! But I can't really complain it's been a decent day all and all. Ya it snowed and ya it's still snowing on and off, but it's nothing like it was with the last snow storm. So I was able to actually push the carriage threw what was out there. Which really wasn't much. I was able to get 5 more buildings done at work today. Just 8 more to got woohoo!! I'm gonna meet this deadline after all.

Kevin had a good day too. Daddy said he was fine when he dropped him off this morning. He seemed fine when I got there. He was happy to see me but didn't want to leave the punk! He was crying and whining the whole time I was getting on his coat. Then most of the ride home too he was being bratty. But thats the life of a mother to a toddler.


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