Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yup gotta love being me!

I freaking hate this crap. Why is it that my nose has to just be messed up without no real explaination. Leave it to me to have this fucked up luck. DOH! So much for my appointment today, but I won't let this shit stop me tomorrow. I'm gonna get my damn nails done and take my kids to the movies, as long as little man doesn't wake up with a damn fever again.

But you know what this is one sick day, but all in all things have been going good the past few weeks. Found myself a good job in my opinion. Money is looking a bit better for me. I can actually buy things and now worry about other stuff too much. Classes are just about to start. I hope that goes well. But I'm not over doing it this time so I think it should go great. My medical leave was approved so my GPA stay at 3.5. So far I don't owe the school money so I can afford to pay for my attny. And if I do end up having to pay, I will have the money for it. I won the office pool and was able to send my mom cash.

So YUP! things are starting to look up for me!


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