Sunday, February 25, 2007

Not a bad day

Today Kev had to bring Doni back home and left early like 11 am. So I cleaned up some and then my girlfriend came to drop off some hand me downs for lil man. But instead of just staying home we went to BJs and did some shopping. I didn't get much just meds for the house in bulk so its cheaper that way.

But omg I've never seen her kids before and she hasn't seen T since she was like 2. Her son is just like her I swear he's her clone and so damn cute. Her daughter is mixed of her and him. But she's a cutie too has her mommys mouth for sure. And oh what a drama queen. Too funny. Her son wanted to come home with me but he couldn't. And I think we are going to plan a wedding in 20 years between Kev and Destiny. They looked so damn cute in the cart next to each other. Pulling the typical boy girl thing of looking at each other then looking away. Puppy love! lmao

And the clothes she passed on are so nice, Kev won't need jeans for a while. I've been so lucky with the amount of hand me downs I've gotten for him since he was born. Thanks to whomever has passed on stuff to him, it's helped out a lot. Come think about it I've been lucky these past two years with the hand me downs I've gotten for both my kids.

So all and all not a bad Sunday at all. I got to get out the house with the kids and hung out with my home girl.


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