Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fucking pissed off!

K so I get the call from Dad that now he doesn't know if he can stay home tomorrow. And why can't I? UM how about the fact that I just started working there haven't even been there a whole month yet. And today makes two days I've called in cuz of lil man. Why is it I'm always the one who gets stuck in these damn lurches. So he suggest his mother. UM HELLO DID YOU LOSE YOUR DAMN MIND!!!! You know that's not an option for many reasons. I don't give a flying fuck if his teacher is sick and might not be in tomorrow. You have a fucking kid too not just me. Ya his money pays the bills but fuck you have sick time! I don't! This just pisses me off to no end. I hate it. If this is what things were going to be like when OUR child gets sick then why the hell did I even go back to work in the first damn place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This man is going to be up shits creek with no paddle if he's not home tomorrow.


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