Saturday, March 24, 2007

Man what a day

Holy crap this Saturday class is something else. It's bad enough I hardly get what the fuck is being taught, but the professor is just WOW!!!! I have no words for this man. He really is just out there. But I've been told the way to pass him is to do his work and to try and befriend him. If I can do both he will up my grade no matter how I do. So befriend him I'm gonna, and I think I might have started. Today he asked about the pet food recall and what brands where on the list. Well, lucky me I had printed a copy of that list on Thursday and left it in my bag. So I gave it to him to keep. I think the dog food he just got is on the list. And he was talking to me a bit during the break today. So woohoo, ya I gotta play a bit of the kiss ass but fuck I need all the help I can get in this class. Especially after missing last week, I missed an important class with lots of important notes I need to find a way to get.

But crap did todays class give me a freaking headache. After that I had to go to FedEx/Kinkos to make copies of my book for my classmate. Since we are taking two classes together and we are cool we're book sharing. Spent like 30 bucks on copies, well, she did I didn't. But it's still cheaper than buying the book at the bookstore.

Another thing not helping out the past few days are these damn cramps I'm getting. OMG they are painful, I might just pop one of my script pain pills to help. I'm saving them for my afs but this hurts almost as bad.

Grrr I need to buy a new mouse also. This one is on it's last licks. IT was bad enough that Kev broke it more that it was messed up, but now the cord is pretty shot too. I had a hard enough time locating the driver required to re install the damn thing. I lost the driver when I tried to see if Kevs new wireless mouse was working or not. It messed up both our laptops. This man better get me my mouse fast.

On a good note T's bunk futon bed is now up in her room. It gives her more space in there, plus it gives Doni her own bed to sleep in. So this should end the complaints I get about their sleeping arrangements. If it doesn't so help those girls cause I will hurt em.

Well it's getting late and I want to relax. So that's all for now.


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