Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snowed in Saturday

So I woke up to a good amount of frozen snow out there this morning. Needless to say I skipped class because of it. They didn't even plow the street, there is no way I'm taking mass transit to school today. Those buses can lose traction easy. I'm not going to risk that. I highly doubt many people went today anyway. I spoke to Rebeena and she said that the school streets for parking were dead. And they are never that way unless there are no classes. So I'm sure not may showed, maybe even the professor himself.

Since it's so cold and icy out I'm gonna crock pot a good chicken wings in honey sauce meal. I guess I'll make some rice to go with that. I can just imagine how good that will taste later. Man I must admit it feels good to just be home right now not running around. Kev is napping, T watching TV, and Big Kev went to the market to get the food for later. Myself, I'm just pogo'n it up today. I should and will do my homework later on. It's not much but I want to get it out the way.

Shame the weather messed up the parade for people, but the actual city didn't get much snow so I guess it wasn't too ruined. That's one thing I hate about the difference between Queens and Manhattan. They almost never get a good accumulation of snow so the rest of the boroughs get ignored. But oh well what can I do about that really. Not much to do but move out of NYC one day. I hope to achieve that sooner rather than later.


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